Through the Art of Fragrance I help people find their essence, enhance what they do

Design With Scents

Pioneering the teaching of Fragrance in Art & Design, the Design With Scents workshop is a safe olfactory nest I crafted for the Scent Enthusiast. It takes place at London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London.

Exploring how to tell a story with the language of scent

Exploring how to tell a story with the language of scent

Participants, myself, Jo Norman and Guest Master Perfumer Christophe Laudamiel. Photo Ezzidin Alwan.

Opening up the creative mind to Scent Design

Opening up the creative mind to Scent Design

Sense of Smell and Synaesthesia

Sense of Smell and Synaesthesia

With Guest Lecturer Senior Perfumer Marianne Martin.